HISD Names Rose Mary Mares Lone Finalist

I am so pleased to announce that today the HISD Board of Trustees selected our own Rose Mary Mares as the next Superintendent!!  Mrs. Mares has the unique privilege of being a former HISD student, teacher, and Leadership Team member, as well as experience in campus administration from surrounding school districts.  She serves as the district representative with the Chamber of Commerce, and is a steady presence in countless civic and church-related activities. I can’t think of anyone who would have a more accurate perspective of the needs of our students, our schools, and our community.  I’m sure that Hondo ISD will thrive under her common sense leadership and deep understanding of the challenges schools face every day. 

After a 21 day waiting period, Rose Mary will be official.  I will be around to assist her and the rest of the Leadership Team to the best of my ability during the transition and until the end of school, helping to make the change as smooth as possible. 

Please join me in congratulating our own Rose Mary Mares as she becomes the definition of what the words “For Hondo’s Honor and Glory” really mean.

A'Lann Truelock, Ed. D.